Thames Scout Cruising Club
Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Thames Scout Cruising Club (TSCC) is an Active Support Unit of the Scout Association. that only retains personal data for membership reasons.and so is exempt from registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office under the Data Protection Act..
Our website is at
Our e-mail address is
Personal Data
Personal data will only be retained and processed electronically or in paper format for the purposes of: establishing or maintaining membership of TSCC, and for providing information to Officers of the Club who have need for access by reason of their position in TSCC. Personal data will not be shared with any other organisation or company except with the Scout Association for membership purposes.
A “blind carbon copy” (bcc) address format will be used for all e-mail communication with members so that personal e-mail addresses will not be circulated to all addressees.
Membership of the Committee of TSCC implies an agreement that the committee member’s contact details will be shared with other committee members for communication purposes and will remain confidential to the Committee.
TSCC will not disclose a member’s personal data to a third party without their specific consent unless there is a statutory obligation to do so. TSCC undertakes not to sell, give or exchange our membership list with any other organisation. Should a third party wish to contact a member by telephone, post or email, a TSCC Officer will pass details of the third party to the member who may then respond or decline to do so.
Members’ personal data will be deleted (if held digitally) or destroyed (if held physically) twelve months after the person ceases to be a member of TSCC, except if retention is required by law, such as Gift Aid records.
Access to personal information
Any person can find out if TSCC holds any personal data on them by making a ‘subject access request’ to the Data Controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679)..
The TSCC Data Controller is also the Membership Secretary, Tony Scott, who can be contacted by email at
If we do hold information about the person we will:
– give them a description of it;
– tell them why we are holding it;
– tell them who it could be disclosed to; and
– let them have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.
The person has the right to correct their personal data that the Club holds.
Data Security
Only Officers of the Club who have need for access by reason of their position in TSCC will have access to personal data. Personal information, including email address, will be kept on a computer with up-to-date virus protection, firewall software and spyware. A back-up copy will be kept on an encrypted removable hardware device. Paper copies may be made, but will be kept securely by those officers of TSCC who need to use such copies and disposed of securely when no longer required for use.
TSCC does not collect information about individual visitors to our website. However, this privacy notice does not cover the links within this site that link to other websites, whose own privacy statements are applicable..
This Policy was agreed on 26th March 2020 and will be reviewed in March 2022.
Mark Marriott George Barber