
Founded 1992, the Thames Scout Cruising Club is recognised by the Scout Association as a Scout Active Support Unit and is open mainly to past and current Members and Associate Members of the Scout Associations and Girl Guiding UK who cruise, or have cruised, the River Thames in powered boats capable of providing overnight accommodation.

The objectives of the Club are

  • Raise charitable funds for the benefit of Scouting
  • Encourage and foster motor cruising on the River Thames mainly by adults who are, or have been in Scouting and Guiding, along with their family members who are partners / crew
  • Social interaction amongst members
  • Occasional support to scouting events and activities
  • “Fellowship Afloat”

Although it is desirable that all members of the TSCC belong to the Scout Association or Girl Guiding UK, there is no obligation upon them to do so.

Affiliated to the Association of Thames Yacht Clubs, and The River Thames Society.