Newsletter No. 124 June 2024
Newsletter No 123 November 2023
Newsletter No 122 July 2023
Our TSCC Facebook Group now has 32 members. This is a great way to keep in contact and see what others are up to in these very unusual times. If you are already a member, please do submit your own posts as well as checking out what other members have posted. The more participation the better! And if you have not yet joined why not do so? It is totally private. Only members can see what’s there. We’re looking forward to lots more requests to join the Group!
If you would like to join the TSCC Facebook group here is what you need to do:
- If you are already on Facebook, search for ‘Thames Scout Cruising Club’ and ask to join.
- If you are not already on Facebook, I am pretty certain you have to join Facebook first and then you can ask to join the Group.
Photographic Competition 2024
The subject for this years’ photographic competition is “RED”.
There is room for you to use your imagination here – there is no restriction on where the photo is taken or what the photo depicts – it just needs, in some noticeable way, to echo the subject RED.
The winner will be chosen at the 2024 Annual Dinner.
Newsletter No 121 March 2023
Photographic Competition 2022 – Result
Congratulations to Ray Mears on winning the Ray Andrews Trophy 2022.
The subject was “The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee”.
Ray’s picture is of a neighbour’s daughter at a Jubilee street party.